Speciality And Areas Of Interest
- Paedaitric Infectious Diseases
Work Experience
- In Clinical practice for 28 years
- Experienced in handling new-borns, preterms
- Managed Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care
- Special Interest and Expertise in Paediatric Infectious Diseases and Immunization
Awards and Achievements
- Special Award for work for Antimicrobial Resistance at the hands of Health Minister Shri J. P. Nadda
- Honoured with Late P. M. Udani Oration at IAP Maharashtra State Conference
- Recipient of several other orations in the names of Stalwarts in the field of Paediatrics
Research and Publications
- Editor-in-chief, Pedaitric Infectious Disease, the journal of AIP ID chapter
- Editor, IAP Guidebook on Immunization 2011 and 2014
- Academic Editor - IAP Colour Atlas of Pediatrics
- Associate Editor of “Atlas of Pediatrics in the Tropics", a publication of the American Academy of Pediatrics
Editor of
- - IAP Textbook of Pediatric Infectious Disease published by the IAP
- - Enteric Fever in Children, IAP publication
- - Education Book (of Mumbai Pedicon)
- - IAP Parenting Skills - 2005
- - Pneumococcal Surveillance in India under the ASIP study
- - Post marketing Surveillance studies of many vaccines
- - Comparative study of Colloidal iron and Ascorbate salt of iron in paediatric iron deficiency anaemia
Scientific publications(Publication in Text books)
- Dharmapalan D, Yewale V. MRSA- Prevalence and Challenges. In: Parthasarathy A, editor-in-chief. Textbook of pediatric infectious diseases. 1st ed. New Delhi. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers; 2013. ISBN 978-93-5090-377-3
- Yewale V, Dharmapalan D. Approach to the Child with Fever of Unknown Origin. In: Sachdeva A, Dutta AK, editors. Advances in paediatrics. 2nd ed Vol 1. New Delhi. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers; 2012. ISBN 978-93-5025-777-7
- Yewale V, Dharmapalan D. Varicella Vaccine. In: Vashishta V editor. FAQs on Vaccines and Immunisation Practices. 1st ed. New Delhi. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers; 2011. ISBN 978-93-5025-246-8
- Yewale V, and Dharmapalan D. Complications and prognosis of Influenza. In: Ed Rao I. Influenza: Complete Spectrum - II - ECAB. Elsevier Health Sciences; 2011. ISBN 8131232573, 9788131232576
Publications in Journals:
- Agarwal S, Yewale V, Dharmapalan D. Antibiotics Use and Misuse in Children: A Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Survey of Parents in India. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research 2015:9(11)
- Yewale V, Dharmapalan D. Promoting Appropriate Use of Drugs in Children. International Journal of Pediatrics 2012 doi:10.1155/2012/906570
- Yewale V, Dharmapalan D. DTap and Tdap Vaccines. Indian Journal of Pediatrics 2011; 78(1):1-6.
- Dharmapalan D, Yewale V. C-reactive protein in pediatric infectious diseases, Pediatric Infectious Disease. 2012 July-Sept; 4(3):137-39.
- Yewale V, Gavhane J, Dharmapalan D, Weekay P, Shahane S. Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia with Beta-Thalassemia - A Rare Association. Indian Journal of Pediatrics 2012 Sept; 79(9): 1244-45.
- Yewale V, Gavhane J, Weekey P, Dharmapalan D, Warrior D. Enteric Fever in children from Navi Mumbai - Clinical profile, haematological features, sensitivity patterns and response to antimicrobials. Pediatric Infectious Disease 2010.
- Dharmapalan D, V. Yewale, Tanu Singhal T. A 1 1/2 year old with recurrent fever: Case files of Dr Yewale Hospital, Vashi, Navi Mumbai. Pediatric Infectious Disease 2010 Jan; 2 (1): 28-31
Professional Memberships and Certifications
- President, Indian Academy of Pediatrics
- Chairperson, IAP Infectious Diseases Chapter
- Member of Indian Medical Association
- Member of Association of Consultants of Mumbai
- Member of National Neonatology Forum
Timing MON- SAT, MON- SAT (10:00 AM-03:00 PM)