Pediatric Urology in Delhi

Dr Sujit Chowdhary


Work Experience

22 yrs+

Registration No

DMC - 22001 MCI-7537


English, हिंदी


Apollo Hospitals Delhi
  • Dr Sujit Chowdhary is a Senior consultant in the department of Pediatric Urology and Pediatric Surgery at Indraprastha Apollo hospital in New Delhi.
  • He has been associated with Apollo Hospitals since 2005.
  • He is renowned for being one of the prominent doctors who provides outstanding pediatric surgical care in India with more than 95% survival in newborn surgery.
  • He has pioneered complicated techniques such as robotic surgery, minimally invasive surgery and Pediatric Urology.

Speciality And Areas Of Interest

  • Pediatric and reconstructive urology
  • Traumatic genitourinary injuries
  • Urodynamics
  • Robotic surgery

Work Experience

  • Postgraduate Tutor, Royal College of Surgeons - 2005-
  • Cont Associate Prof (Pediatric Urology)Prince of Wales university Hospital,Hong Kong - 2004-2005
  • Assistant Prof (Pediatric Surgery) Post Graduate Institute, Chandigarh, - 1998-2003
  • Senior Registrar (Pediatric Surgery)University of Cape Town,SA - 1996-1997
  • Registrar (Pediatric Urology)Birmingham Children’s Hospital,UK - 1995-1996
  • Registrar, Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education& Research, Chandigarh - 1992-1994
  • SHO,Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education& Research Chandigarh - 1989-1992 SHO,
  • All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi - 1989-1989

Awards and Achievements

  • Editorial Board, J G Paediatric Urology
  • National Executive, Indian Association of Paediatric Surgeons
  • Board of Examiner, Royal College of Surgeons of England
  • Clinical Tutor, Royal College of Surgeon of England
  • Best surgical video award in the National meeting of Indian Association of Pediatric Surgeons atOoty, 2014for Robotic TUU with ureteric reimplantation and augmentation cystoplasty.
  • Best video in Karl-Storz award video section in the National meeting of Pediatric Endoscopic Surgeons of India at Jaipur, 2015for a series on Robotic Augmentation Cystoplasty.
  • British Council Specialist Clinical fellowship in Pediatric urology at Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children 2001.
  • Ethicon teachers travelling fellowship of Indian Association of Pediatric Surgeons for outstanding contribution to Pediatric surgery in India 1999.
  • Guy Baines Award and Registrars medal for the best Registrar paper presented at the British Association of Urological Surgeons meeting 1996.
  • Royal College of Surgeons of England sponsored training in Pediatricurology and surgery at Birmingham Childrens Hospital 1995-1996.
  • Award of college colours for the year 1987.
  • Col B D Prathapa Rao Gold medal for standing First in medicine in Armed Forces Medical College and Pune University, in 1987.
  • Rangnaikamma silver shield for standing First in Medicine, Surgery&Gynaecology in university MBBS examination 1987.
  • Ashok S Patel Bronze medal for standing second in Pharmacology 1985.
  • Indian council for medical research (ICMR) Junior research fellowship 1985.

Research and Publications

Publications Invited review articles published:
  • Chowdhary S K. Pediatric endourology. Editorial in Journal of Indian association of Pediatric Surgeons. 2014;19:121-2
  • Chowdhary SK. Random thoughts on Pediatric Surgery in India. J Indian Assoc Pediatr Surg. 2008 Apr;13(2):47-8.
  • Chowdhary SK. Pediatric surgery. Indian J Pediatr. 2008 Sep;75(9):923.
  • M Kolar,A Kulkarni,A Kaul,S K Chowdhary. Antenatal diagnosis and post natal  management  of urological anomalies. Perinatology  2004
  • Chowdhary SK, Kolar M, Yeung CK. Urinary tract infection in children : the urological perspective. J Ind Pediatr. 2004 ; 71 : 1117-1120.
  • Chowdhary SK,Gupta A,Narasimahan KL,Rao KLN. Management of anorectal malformation in neonates Ind J of Ped  1999; 66 :791-798.
  • Chowdhary SK,Jain A,Singh PP,Joseph SC. Delivery systems for pediatric parenteral nutrition Ind J Pediatr 1999; 19 :7-8.
  • Chowdhary SK,Parashar K. Central venous access through the peripheral route Curr Opn Clin Nutr and Metab Care  2000;3: 217-219.
  • Singh M,Singh SK,ChowdharySK. Management of Empyema thoracic in children Ind Pediatr 2002 ; 39(2) : 145-47.
  • Chowdhary SK, Wilcox D, Ransley PG Post urethral valves : antenatal diagnosis and management J Ind Assoc Ped Surg 2003; 8(3): 163-169.
  • Chowdhary SK, Duffy PG Post urethral valves: the current perspective J Ind Assoc Ped Surg 2003 ; 8 : 170-175.
  • Chowdhary SK, Menon P, Rao KLN. Management of a child with multiple trauma Ind J Prac Ped 2004.

Series published

  • Chowdhary SK. Indiana pouch in children: a 15-year experience. Journal of Pediatric Urology. 2014;5:911-6
  • Sripathi V, Chowdhary S K. Rigid ureteroscopy in children: our experience. Journal of Indian association of Pediatric Surgeons. 2014;19:138-42
  • Chowdhary SK, Trehan A,Das A et al Undifferentiated embryonal sarcoma in children :beware of the solitary liver cyst J Pediatr Surg 2004 ; 39(1) :9-12.
  • Rao KLN,Menon P,Samujh R,Chowdhary SK,Mahajan JK Fundal tube esophagoplasty for esophageal reconstruction  in atresia J Pediatr  Surg 2003; 38(12): 1723-5.
  • Harish J,Joshi K,Rao KLN,Narasimahan KL,Chowdhary SK,Mahajan JK Pelviureteric junction obstruction: how much is the extent of ureter with defective innervation requiring resection J Pediatr Surg 2003; 38(8):1194-8.
  • Rao MS,Chowdhary SK,Rao KLN Inguinal hernias in babies Indian Pediatr2003;40(9):913.
  • Narasimahan KL,Samujh R,Bhansali A,MarwahaRK,Chowdhary SK,Radotra BD, Rao KLN  Adrenocortical tumours in childhood Pediatr Surg Int 2003; 19(6):432-5.
  • Mahajan JK, Kumar D, Chowdhary SK, Rao KLN Anorectal malformation with malrotation of gut Eur J Pediatr Surg 2003 ;13(1):63-5.
  • Chalapathi G, Rao KL, Chowdhary SK et al Testosterone therapy in microphallic hypospadias:topical or parenteral J Pediatr Surg  2003 ; 38(2): 221-3.
  • Pimpalwar A, Chowdhary SK, Huskisson L, Corkery JJ Cysts of the ejaculatory system –a treatable cause of recurrent epididymo-orchitis in children Eur J Pediatr Surg 2002 ;12(4) : 281-5.
  • Narasimahan KL, Kaur B, Chowdhary SK et al Prospective analysis of renal function and somatic growth in neonatal posterior urethral valves Eur J Pediatr Surg 2002; 12(4):267-71.26. Kumar D, Chowdhary SK, Rao KLN Postoperative intussusception Ind Pediatr 2002 ;39 (7) : 660-2.Early post operative feeding and outcome in neonatesNutrition 2002;18(5); 380-2.27. Narasimahan KL, Chowdhary SK, Suri S et al Foreign body airway obstruction in children –lessons learnt from a prospective audit J Ind Assoc Ped Surg 2002;7(4):184-190.28. Prabhu ABMK, Mahajan JK, Chowdhary SK et al Results of orchidopexy J Ind Assoc Ped Surg 2003 : 8(2) ; 96-100.29. Bharati V, Mahajan JK, Chowdhary SK etal Efficacy of Bleomycin as a sclerosant  for cystic hygroma. J Ind Assoc Ped Surg 2004: 6(2) ;103-106.  30. Harish J, Chowdhary SK, Narasimahan KL, Mahajan JK, Rao KLN Efficacy of Nimesulide in pain relief after day care surgery. Indian Pediatr 2002;39(2):178-82.31. Narasimahan KL, Chowdhary SK, Rao KLN. Management of Accessory hepatic ducts in choledochal cyst J Pediatr Surg 2001 ; 36(7):1092-3.32. Chowdhary SK, Walter S, Chaudhuri RK, Bhagat A, Joseph SC Antenatal diagnosis of hydronephrosis :outcome with a conservative approach Indian Pediatr  2001; 38(12) : 1401-4.33. Chowdhary SK , Lander A, Parashar K, Corkery JJ Single system ectopic ureter: a fifteen year review Pediatr surg Int 2001; 17(8):638-41. 34. Chowdhary SK,Suri S,Narasimahan KL,Mahajan JK,Rao KLN Duodenal atresia :outcome analysis from a regional neonatal centre Indian Pediatr 2001; 38 (11):1277-80.35. Chowdhary SK,Lander AD,Buick RG,Corkery JJ The primary management of testicular maldescent in gastroschisis Pediatr Surg Intl 2001;177 (5-6) :359-60.36. Chowdhary SK, Parashar K,Buick RG,Gornall P,Corkery JJ Central venous access access through the peripheral route in surgical neonates : an audit of 125 consecutive lines from a regional centre. Pediatr Surg Intl. 2001;17(5-6):359-60.37. Chowdhary SK,Chitnis M,Chowdhary S,Goosen F,Lazarus C Pediatric parenteral nutrition :South African model and its relevance to the developing countries Ind Pediatr 2000 ;37(2): 187-9.38. Chowdhary SK,Choudhury RK,Singh PP,Joseph SC Role of laparoscopy in the management of impalpable testis  Ind J of Urol 1999; 17 :13-16.39. Chowdhary SK,Bhasin DK,Panigrahi D et al Helicobacter pylori infection in patients with perforated duodenal ulcer Trop Gaastroenterol 1998;19(1):19-21.40. Katariya S,Chowdhary SK,Pimpalwar A,Rao KLN Saline cystography versus micturating cystourethrography in detection of vesicoureteral reflux Ind J  RadiolImaging 2003 : 13 : 45-52.41. Narasimahan KL,Chowdhary SK,Thapa BR,Poddar U,Mahajan JK,Samujh R,Rao KLN  Biliary atresia: a prospective study Ind Pediatr 2001; 17 : 1144-48.42. Mishra BN,Narasimahan KL,Chowdhary SK,Samujh R,Rao KLN  Primary neonatal  PSARP versus staged PSARP : a comparative analysis J of Ind Assoc Pediatr Surg 2000 ; 30 : 798-800 43. Prasad MR,Narasimahan KL,Chowdhary SK,Rao KLN Evaluation  of singleversus  multiple dose antibiotic prophylaxis  in clean contaminated surgery J Ind Assoc Pediatr Surg 2000: 30: 798-800.44. Narasimahan KL,Kaur B,Chowdhary SK,Rao KLN Neonatal indices to predict neonatal surgical survival in a developing country Ind J Ped  2001. 45. Chowdhary SK, Paljor Y, Joseph SC Minimal access surgery in children : early experience J Ind Assoc of Ped Surg 2000; 5: 108-113.46.Chalapathi G, Chowdhary SK, Rao KLN, Samujh R, Narasimhan KL, Mahajan JK, Menon P Risk factors in the primary management of anorectal  malformation in Northern India. Pediatr Surg Int 2004 Jun ;20(6):408-11.47.Narsimahan KL, Chowdhary SK, Vaiphei K,Samujh R,Mahajan JK,Thapa BR,Rao KLN Outcome of  Biliary atresia  from Chandigarh : results of a prospective analysis
  • Ind Pediatr  2001 ; 38 (10): 1144-8 .

Case reports published:

  • Mitra shunt (spleen preserving side to side lieno-renal shunt) for portal hypertension with hypersplenism in early infancy. Journal of Indian association of Pediatric Surgeons. 2014;19:96-9.
  • Robotic augmentation ileocystoplasty with bilateral ureteric reimplantation in a young child with neuropathic bladder. Journal of Indian association of Pediatric Surgeons. 2014;19:162-5.
  • Robotic approach to vaginal atresia repair in an adolescent girl. Urol Ann (in Press).
  • Single piece Artificial Urinary Sphincter (AUS) for secondary incontinence following successful repair of post traumatic urethral injury. J Indian Assoc Pediatr Surg. 2013 Oct;18(4):152-4.
  • Intestinal obstruction in a premature baby: Endoscopic diagnosis and management by minimal access surgery (MAS). J Indian Assoc Pediatr Surg 2013 Jul;18(3):118-20.
  • Focal xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis presenting as renal tumor. Jan 2013, Indian J Nephrol;23:76-77.
  • Laparoscopic and thoracoscopic gastric pull-up for pure esophageal atresia in early infancy. Jan 2013. J Indian Assc Pediatr Surg;18:27-30
  • Sharma D, Shah UH, Sibal A, Chowdhary SK. Cholecystoappendicostomy for progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis. Indian Pediatr. 2010 Jul;47(7):626-8.
  • Shah UH, Kandpal D, Chowdhary SK. Unfortunate complication of feeding tube used as a urethral catheter in a newborn and its endoscopic retrieval. J Pediatr Urol. 2009 Oct;5(5):423-4.
  • Yeung CK ,Chowdhary SK,Chan KW,Lee KH,Till H Atypical laparoscopic resection of a liver tumour  J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech 2006 ; 16(3):325-7 .
  • Chitnis M,Chowdhary SK,Lazarus C  Preoperative angioembolisation  for life threatening haemorrhage for Wilms tumour  Pediatr Surg Int 2004
  • PimpalwarA,Chowdhary SK,Rao KLN Duplication of pouch colon associated with  duplication of lower genitourinary tract  J Pediatr Surg  2003 ;38 (2):e1
  • Rao KLN,Sunil I,Pimpalwar A,Vaiphei K,Chowdhary SK Intrapancreatic gastric duplication cyst presenting as lower gastrointestinal J Pediatr Surg 2003 ; 38() 243-244.
  • Poddar B,Bharati S,Parmar V,Sidhu R,Chowdhary SK,Rao KLN Respiratory failure due to pulmonary calcification in primary hyperparathyroidism Arch Dis Child 2002 ;87:257  
  • Chowdhary SK,Harish J,Thapa BR,Poddar U,Das A,Rao KLNCrohns disease: disastrous consequences of delayed diagnosis Ind J Pediatr 2002;69:533-4.
  • Gupta PR,Chowdhary SK, Joshi K, Shukla R,Rao KLN Shah Wardenburg Syndrome syndrome Ind J Pediatr 2002 ;69 (5): 447-9.
  • Chitnis M, Chowdhary SK,Lazarus C application of Malone’s antegrade continence enema principle in degenerative leiyomyopathy Pediatr Surg Intl 2001 ; 17(5):470-1.
  • Chowdhary SK Rare complication of intestinal volvulus with perforation of small bowel secondary to peritoneal end of the ventriculoperitoneal shunt Pediatr SurgIntl 2001; 17(2) :248.
  • Chowdhary SK,Suri S, Narasimahan KL ,Rao KLN Ectopic scrotum and patent urachus Pediatr Surg Intl 2001 ;17 (1): 75-6.
  • Chowdhary SK,Pimpalwar A,Narasimahan KL,Katariya S,Rao KLN Blunt injury of the abdomen : a plea for CT Pediatr Radiol 2000;30(11) :798-800.Chowdhary SK ,Narasimahan KL,Ray R,Marwaha RK,Mitra SK Epitheloid sarcoma in a neonate Ind Pediatr 2000;37(4):441-443.
  • Buick RG,Chowdhary SK Backache : a  rare diagnosis and an unusual complication Pediatr Surg Intl 1999;15(8):586-7
  • Chowdhary SK,Pimpalwar A,Narasimahan KL,Katariya S,Rao KLN Blunt injury of the abdomen : a plea for CT Pediatr Radiol 2000;30(11) :798-800.
  • Chowdhary SK,Chitnis M,Perold J,Lazarus C Hypothyroidism in a neonate following excision of a cervical teratoma Pediatr Surg Intl 1998 ;14(3): 212-3.
  • Pimpalwar A, Narasimahan KL, Chowdhary SK, Rao KLN Iatrogenic esophageal perforation during devascularisation procedure managed by Thals procedure wrap Ind J Gastroenterol 2000; 19 (1) :39
  • Menon P,Suniel I,Chowdhary SK, Rao KLN Hunt Lawrence pouch after total gastrectomy : 4 years follow up Ind Pediatr 2003 ;40(3) : 249-51.
  • Chitnis M,ChowdharySK,Lazarus C Use of intravenous fluid bags for silo in Gastroschisis Ind J of Surgery 1999 ; 61 :26-28.
  • Narasimahan KL, Chowdhary  SK, Singh Y,Rao KLN Hair coil penile injury in children with underlying urological problems Ind J of Urol 2000;9:164-165.
  • Narasimahan KL,Chowdhary SK, Marwaha RK,Rao KLN Renal failure following unilateral nephrectomy in Wilms tumour Ind J of Urol 1999; 7 : 157-160.
  • Chowdhary SK,Corkery JJ,Bhagat A,Joseph SC Malrotation and pyloric stenosis:a new association  J Ind Assoc Ped Surg 2000 ;5 : 129-134.
  • Chalapathy G,Chowdhary SK,Narasimahan KL,Rao KLN Beckwith Weidman syndrome J Ind Assoc of Pediatr Surg  2000; 5:138-141.31.Narasimahan KL,Mishra BN,Chowdhary SK,Rao KLN A survey of training, professional status and career opportunities  of pediatric surgeons   in the Indian context  J Ind Assoc Pediatr Surg 2000 ;5 :138 -141.
  • Chowdhary SK,Paljor Y,Joseph SC Minimal access surgery in children:Early experience  J Ind Assoc Pediatr Surg 2000;5 : 95-97.
  • Chowdhary SK, Chowdhary S,Goosen F, Lazarus C SCIWORA  : spinal cord injury without a radiological abnormality , a diagnosis not to be missed J Ind Assoc Pediatr Surg 2000;5: 160-164.34. Gupta PR,Chowdhary SK,Marwaha RK,Radotra BD,Rao KLN Actinomycotic Lung abscess : a diagnosis in retrospect J Ind Assoc Ped Surg 2001;6:42-45.
  • Chowdhary SK,Eradi B, Narasimahan KL,Rao KLN Neonatal renal malformations Neonatology 2001.
  • Chowdhary SK,Rao KLN (Book Review) Pediatric surgery vade mecum  Arensman R. J Ind Assoc Pediat Surg 2000; 2: 211-12.
  • Pimpalwar A, Narsimhan KL,Chowdhary SK, Rao KLN Iatrogenic esophageal perforation during devascularisation  procedure managed by Thals wrap Ind J Gastroenterol  2000 Jan –Mar : 19 (1) : 39.36. Chowdhary SK,Rao KLN (Book Review) Pediatric surgery vade mecum  Arensman R. J Ind Assoc Pediat Surg 2000; 2: 211-12.

Professional Memberships and Certifications

  • Society of Pediatric Urology(USA) - 2007
  • European Society of Pediatric Urology - 2004 A
  • merican Academy of Pediatrics - 2003
  • American College of Surgeons - 2003
  • Indian Academy of Pediatrics - 2002
  • European Society of Pediatric Urology - 2002
  • Association of Surgeons of India - 2001
  • British Association of Pediatric Surgeons - 2000
  • Royal College of Surgeons,Edinburgh - 1995
  • Indian Association of Pediatric Surgeons - 1994
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