Speciality And Areas Of Interest
My areas of special interest are Nutrition,inflamatory bowel disease,Chronic Diarrhoea,Constipation and functional GI disorders.
Work Experience
12 Years of Extensive and Vast Expierene in the United Kingdom in reputed centres in Paediatrics, Paediatric Gastroenterology, Pediatric liver Disease,Paediatric Endoscopy.
Research and Publications
I have Published Articles and Literature Review in Numerous International Jpurnals and spoken in lot of Medical and Non-Medical meetings.
To my Credit I have over 1000 endoscopy Procedures in children.
Professional Memberships and Certifications
Professional Memberships (in brief) TAMILNADU MEDICAL COUNCIL, ISPGHAN, BSPGHAN,
Timing MON- SAT, MON- SAT (08:00 AM-12:00 PM)