Cardiologist in Trichy

Dr R Ravindran

DM Cardiology),MD (Internal Medicine), MBBS

Work Experience

12 yrs+

Registration No



English, हिंदी, ಕನ್ನಡ, தமிழ்


Apollo Speciality Hospitals Trichy

Awards and Achievements

  • Presented Posters at TCT 2019, SFO.
  • Presented Cases at C3 2017, Orlando.
  • Presented Cases at CTO Boot Camp 2018, Seoul.
  • Poster presentation at CSI 2014, 2015.
  • Best case SIC-CON 2014
  • Organizing committee - TIC-2015/2016/2017/2018  
  • Reviewer for IHJ & CCI

Research and Publications

  • Prevalence and pattern of hand soft-tissue changes in type 2 diabetes mellitus. Ravindran Rajendran S, Bhansali A, Walia R, Dutta P, Bansal V, Shanmugasundar G. Diabetes Metab. 2011 Sep; 37(4):312-7. doi: 10.1016/j.diabet.2010.09.008. Epub 2011 Sep 13. 
  • Prevalence of parameters of suboptimal scaffold deployment following angiographic guided bioresorbable vascular scaffold implantation in real world practice - an optical coherence tomography analysis. Subban V, Sengottuvelu G, Uthayakumaran K, Rajendran R, Janakiraman E, Pakshirajan B, Thenpally JG, Kalidoss L, Victor SM, Kalarickal MS, Ajit MS. Int J Cardiol. 2016 Oct 1;220:32-42. doi: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2016.06.096. Epub 2016 Jun 23. 
  • SYNTAX Score in Patients with High Computed Tomography Coronary Calcium Score. Hegde M, Rajendran R.  J Clin Imaging Sci. 2017 Feb 20;7:10. 
  • Clinical usefulness and cost effectiveness of fractional flow reserve among Indian patients (FIND study). Sengottuvelu G, Chakravarthy B, Rajendran R, Ravi S. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2014 Apr 16. doi: 10.1002/ccd.25517.
  • A rare cause of unilateral rib notching. Rajendran R, Subramanian AP, Mahimarangaiah J, Nanjappa MC. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2013 Mar 13. doi:pii: S0735-1097(13)00998-4. 10.1016/j.jacc.2012.10.062. [Epub ahead of print]. 
  • Not all T wave inversions are ischaemic. Rajendran R, Patel JS, Singla V, Nagamani AC. BMJ Case Rep. 2013 Jan 23; 2013. doi:pii: bcr2012008219. 10.1136/bcr-2012-008219. 
  • Subtle chest x-ray signs of pulmonary thromboembolism: the Palla's and Westermark's signs. Rajendran R, Singh B, Bhat P etal. Postgrad Med J. 2013 Apr; 89(1050):241-2. doi: 10.1136/postgradmedj-2012131331. Epub 2012 Dec 19 8. Differential intraluminal flow turbulence: a marker of aortic dissection. Rajendran R, Singh B, Bhairappa S etal. BMJ Case Rep. 2012 Nov 28;2012. doi:pii: bcr2012007429. 10.1136/bcr-2012-007429 
  • Giant left atrium with spontaneous echo contrast: a harbinger of thromboembolic phenomenon. Singh B, Ravindran R, Bhairappa S etal. BMJ Case Rep. 2012 Sep 30;2012. doi:pii: bcr2012006880. 10.1136/bcr2012-006880 
  • Stroke, SVC syndrome, and the snowman in chest roentgenogram. Bhupinder S, Rajendran R, Yadvinder S, Singhla V, Ravindranath KS, Manjunath CN. JACC122612-5375. 
  • Supra-Valvular Aortic Stenosis in a Patient with Homozygous Familial Hypercholesterolemia. Ravindran R, Srinivas KH, Kapilrangan, Madhav H, Naveed A. Eur Heart J Cardiovasc Imaging. 2013 Jun 21. [Epub ahead of print]. 12. Mobile subpulmonary membrane in a patient with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and right ventricular midcavitary obstruction. Rajendran R, Ananthakrishna R, Rao DP, Bhat P, Nanjappa MC. Eur Heart J Cardiovasc Imaging. 2013 Jun 24. [Epub ahead of print]. 
  • Ruptured and calcified aortic valve resembling a prosthetic valve. Ravindran Rajendran, Jayaranganath Mahimarangaiha and Manjunath Nanjappa. Heart Asia 2012 4: 90. doi: 10.1136/heartasia-2012-010120 
  • Pinhole Mitral Stenosis. Srinivas SK, Rajendran R, Subramanian A, Bhat P, Chandrasekaran D, Manjunath CN. Echocardiography. 2013 Aug 10. 
  • Giant Cardiac Hydatid cyst: An Uncommon cause of Cardiomegaly. Moorthy N, Rajiv A, Rajendran R etal. J Am Coll Cardiol. Accepted for publication. 
  • Optical coherence tomographic image of dynamic left main coronary artery compression caused by intramural hematoma due to spontaneous coronary artery dissection– De-gloved artery managed with bioresorbable vascular scaffold. G. Sengottuvelu., Ravindran Rajendran; Dattagupta.
  • Full polymer jacketing for long segment spontaneous coronary artery dissection using bio resorbable vascular scaffolds. G.Sengottuvelu., Ravindran Rajendran. JACC Cardiovasc Interv. 2014 Jul;7(7):820-1. doi: 10.1016/j.jcin.2013.10.028 
  • Significant biventricular obstruction in non-syndromic hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Hirapur I, Kolhari VB, Agrawal N, Rajendran R. BMJ Case Rep. 2014 Sep 26;2014. pii: bcr2014206271. doi: 10.1136/bcr2014-206271. 
  • Optical coherence tomogram of spontaneous coronary artery dissection managed with drug eluting stent. Sengottuvelu G, Rajendran R, Majumdar D. Indian Heart J. 2014 Mar-Apr;66(2):247-8. doi: 10.1016/j.ihj.2014.02.005. Epub 2014 Mar 19.  
  • Spectrum of rheumatic heart disease in single patient. Hirapur IS, Rajendran R, Kolhari VB, Bhairappa S. BMJ Case Rep. 2013 Aug 30;2013.  
  • OCT during left main bifurcation PCI. Sengottuvelu G, Rajendran R. Indian Heart J. 2014 SepOct;66(5):557-8. doi: 10.1016/j.ihj.2014.08.009. Epub 2014 Sep 6. No abstract available. PMID: 25443615 
  • Capping spontaneous coronary artery dissection with overlapping bioabsorbable scaffolds. Sengottuvelu G, Rajendran R, Majumdar D. Heart Lung Circ. 2015 Feb;24(2):e39-40. doi: 10.1016/j.hlc.2014.10.005. Epub 2014 Nov 4. No abstract available. PMID: 25465514. 
  • Reply: organized thrombus mimicking spontaneous coronary artery dissection. Sengottuvelu G, Rajendran R. JACC Cardiovasc Interv. 2014 Dec;7(12):1458-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jcin.2014.09.004. No abstract available. PMID: 25523538 
  • Plaque rupture in a non-culprit artery detected by optical coherence tomography and treated with plaque capping. Sengottuvelu G, Rajendran R. Indian Heart J. 2014 Nov-Dec;66(6):733-4. doi: 10.1016/j.ihj.2014.10.404. Epub 2014 Nov 1. No abstract available. PMID: 25634419 
  • 3-D optical coherence tomographic image of bifurcation lesion treated with two Absorb scaffolds. Sengottuvelu G, Ligthart JM, Rajendran R. Indian Heart J. 2015 Jan-Feb;67(1):62. doi: 10.1016/j.ihj.2015.02.004. Epub 2015 Mar 12. No abstract available. PMID: 25820054. 
  • Optical coherence tomographic findings of myeloproliferative disorder presenting as acute myocardial infarction. Sengottuvelu G, Rajendran R.Eur Heart J. 2016 Mar 16. pii: ehw092.
  • Percutaneous Coronary Intervention for Coronary Thrombo-embolism during Balloon Mitral Valvuloplasty in a Pregnant Woman. Chikkabasavaiah N, Rajendran R, P B, B R. Heart Lung Circ. 2016 Feb;25(2):e29-31. 
  • Quadri-chamber cardiac thrombi in alcoholic cardiomyopathy: a rare though ominous finding. Singh Y, Singla V, Singh B, Rajendran R, Khandenahally RS, Manjunath CN. Postgrad Med J. 2013 Aug;89(1054):488-9. doi: 10.1136/postgradmedj-2013-131933. Epub 2013 May 24. 
  • Optical coherence tomographic image of an angiographically borderline lesion with a significant fractional flow reserve.Sengottuvelu G, Rajendran R, Ravi S. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2014 May 13;63(18):1926. doi: 10.1016/j.jacc.2013.12.056. Epub 2014 Mar 19. 
  • Multi-Modality Imaging of Drug-Eluting Stent-Related Multi-Vessel Coronary Aneurysms Presenting as Recurrent Stent Thrombosis. Sengottuvelu G, Rajendran R, Sathyamurthy I. Circ J. 2017 Feb 24;81(3):413-414. doi: 10.1253/circj.CJ-16-0654. Epub 2016 Oct 29.

Professional Memberships and Certifications


  • Cardiology Society of India (CSI)
  • Indian Medical Association (IMA)
  • European Society of Cardiology (FESC)


  • Intravascular Imaging (IVUS & OCT)
  • Trans esophageal Echocardiogram (TEE)
  • Cardiac Rhythm Management (MEDPACE & MEDICE)
Timing MON- SAT, MON- SAT (09:00 AM-05:00 PM)
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